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Meet Amanda Rae! Your Sensory and Vision Expert and Mom of Two Young Daughters!

amanda rae feeding fine motor occupational therapy sensory vision Jul 17, 2024


Hello, Fellow Parents!

I’m Amanda Rae, a dedicated pediatric occupational therapist since 2006, and I’m thrilled to embark on this parenting journey with you. My mission is to empower and uplift families, helping them reach their fullest potential through coaching, mentoring, and a whole lot of heart.

But there’s more to me than just my OT credentials. I’m also the proud mom of two amazing girls. My first daughter was born with severe bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, and navigating this journey has given me profound insights and empathy that I’m eager to share with you. My experiences as a mom have deeply enriched my professional practice, providing a unique perspective that I bring to my work every day.

As an occupational therapist, I’ve spent years working closely with children and their families, developing personalized strategies that promote growth, independence, and joy. I understand the unique challenges that come with raising children with special needs, and I’m here to offer practical advice, emotional support, and a listening ear.

Beyond my professional and personal experiences, I’m passionate about creating a community where parents can connect, share, and support each other. This platform is designed to be a safe space where you can find resources, ask questions, and celebrate the small victories that come with parenting.

In addition to my work and family life, I’m an advocate for lifelong learning and continuous growth. I’m always exploring new research, techniques, and tools that can benefit children and their families. I believe in the power of knowledge and the importance of staying informed about the latest advancements in child development and therapy.

Join me on this platform as we learn, grow, and celebrate the joys and challenges of parenting together. Let’s make this adventure unforgettable! Together, we can create a supportive and nurturing environment where every child and family can thrive.

So, whether you're looking for expert advice, a community of like-minded parents, or just a place to share your story, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s embark on this journey hand in hand, and make every moment count!

During October 2024, we are focused on sharing with you the importance of crawling. Follow us on Instagram/Facebook/TikTok to learn why we are such big fans of crawling!

Is your interest in crawling piqued? Do you want to Learn From Us and With Us™ as we discuss how crawling affects child development? Check out our new, 56 page WhyDo + HowTo™ Workbook: Crawling! 

I want the CRAWLING guide!

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